Malory Eagles - Player Information

  • Our club has 7 league teams in total:

    • 4 Women’s teams:

      • National Super League

      • London League Division 1 (2 teams)

      • London League Division 2

    • 3 Men’s teams:

      • National Super League

      • London League Division 1

      • London League Division 2

    It is expected that there will be between 1 and 14 players in each squad.

  • Your membership fees cover your training sessions with your team and your team’s games kit.

    Your fees also cover Malory social sessions which are held at Ernest Bevin on Friday evenings, 19.30-21.30 during the season and on Tuesdays and Fridays at 19.30-21.30 in May-July.

    These are free to Malory members but they do need to be booked. Details are provided to members upon joining.

    Information on membership fees is available by emailing

    Fee Refunds

    You will be entitled to refund of part of your fee for the following reasons:

    i) Injury of the kind that means you are unable to train for three weeks or longer

    ii) You decide to leave the club

    Refunds are calculated on a pro rata basis, and in case of ii) above will only be provided when your kit is returned to the club.

  • You are expected to regularly attend your team’s training sessions and inform your coach and/or your Team Manager if you can’t attend. You can also train with another Malory team if there is enough space and if your level is appropriate.

    If you do want to train with a team that is not your own you will need to contact the Team Manager of the relevant team to check in advance.

    Details of all Team Managers will be provided to all members in the first couple of weeks of the season.

  • You will be required to sign a membership agreement and give a hard copy or a scan/photo to your Team Manager in the first couple of weeks after joining the club.

    Super League players will be given instructions on how to register for NVL upon joining.

    We have a Code of Conduct which is provided to all new members. Everyone is expected to adhere to the code.


Team Training Schedule